ABA on Tap

Autism Acceptance and ABA

May 08, 2023 Mike Rubio, BCBA and Dan Lowery, BCBA Season 4 Episode 6

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In observation of Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month, Mike and Dan examine a very poignant and sharp criticism of ABA intervention strategies (link is below). Reviewed exactly as published on the website 'autisticscienceperson.com,' the current brew integrates several points of disapproval, as written by an author that identifies as autistic. While ABA on Tap welcomes a deep analysis of ABA itself and has entertained several detractors before, this particular point of contention presents a bit differently. Mike and Dan are able to diligently identify validity in the author's concern, and more importantly delineate and establish the notion of misuse of ABA, rather than accept the premise of ABA as an inherently abusive, philosophy of the science of both human, and non-human, animal behavior.

So, grab a nice, tall, chilled glass and pour slowly. This one begins with some bitter notes up front but, as usual, Mike and Dan are able to guarantee a smooth finish. Enjoy and always analyze responsibly.


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